The Weekly Spark: Winter Wonder

In just days, the calendar will flip to winter.  And because there is so much goodness to be squeezed out of the season, I just can’t help but want to give winter the Summer of Intentionality treatment so I am going to go all Winter Wonder with my December, January, February and early March.

What I most want out of my winter are feelings of family togetherness and time well-spent, a sense of nesting and warmth, an enjoyment of the things that glow– candles, holiday lights, the moon on snow, incubation and then development of ideas, paring down of actual and theoretical things.

I want to invite you, too, to think about what feeling you want from your winter (or, if your seasons are the opposite of mine, then summer) and to then create a list of things you can do independently or with loved ones in order to make the most of this moment in your life and winter.

My current Winter Wonder list (you’ll see some are family oriented and some are just for me!):

1.  Go to the mountains and cut our Christmas tree.

2.  See the McAdenville Lights.

3.  Drive around and see house lights.

4.  Bake and decorate Christmas cookies.

5.  Go to the town holiday parade.

6.  Enjoy the town holiday festival.

7.  Donate toys with Happy.

8.  Wrap books to put under a little tree for Happy and open one book each night as we countdown through the holidays.

9.  Have a hot stone massage.

10.  Get a facial.

11. Give Happy new pjs on Christmas Eve.

12.  Watch Charlie Brown Christmas together as a family.

13.  Play in the snow* (if there is snow).

14. Have a family game night.

15.  Go to the movies as a family.  

16.  Celebrate our adoption.

17.  Celebrate our family anniversary.

18.  Start the You are Special Plate tradition.

Today, prepare for your own Winter Wonder.

1.  Can  you see Winter Wonder working for you?

2.  What feeling do you want your winter to evoke?

3.  Given that, what is on your Winter Wonder list?

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