Weekly Spark

Celebrate the New Year with a New Year Personal Summit

Celebrate the New Year with a New Year Personal Summit

It is the last day of 2013 (but likely the first day of 2014 when you read this), and I am taking a little time while B is running errands […]

The Weekly Spark: Host an End of Year Personal Summit

The Weekly Spark: Host an End of Year Personal Summit

It’s that time of year where the crush of so many things—holiday parties, gift shopping, wrapping, baking, decorating, merry making, thank you note writing, end of year donating, etc- begins […]

The Weekly Spark: Answer this critical question

The Weekly Spark: Answer this critical question

This past week has been especially hellish.  My dad suffered a health setback that is still ongoing.  I got to his side just as quickly as I could, and then […]

The Weekly Spark: One Good Thing

The Weekly Spark: One Good Thing

In homes around the world, it is about to get real.  December is frenetic with the end of Hanukkah, holiday and end of year parties at work and with friends, […]

40 things to do before turning 41

40 things to do before turning 41

So, every year in anticipation of my birthday, I write a list. Do a set of fifteen regular pushups. Take my parents to visit family in Puerto Rico. Complete a […]

The Weekly Spark: Mail a thank you note

The Weekly Spark: Mail a thank you note

Years ago, one of my roommates made a unique New Year’s Resolution: write and mail a thank you note every week.  Every Sunday, she would sit down and write that […]

The Weekly Spark: Offer an Unexpected Kindness

The Weekly Spark: Offer an Unexpected Kindness

There is nothing that brings me quite as much joy as the unexpected kindness. Happy bringing me a flower he found in the yard. My neighbor leaving some salad greens […]

The Weekly Spark: Go All Natural

The Weekly Spark: Go All Natural

Every semester, my body image class and I celebrate an all natural day.  It is just like what it sounds like– we all come to class just like our mama […]

The Weekly Spark: Boss Your Email

The Weekly Spark: Boss Your Email

Last week, my email crashed, and I spent 7 hours on the phone with lovely Yna from the Philippines as she shut down my email, rebuilt it and transferred everything […]

The Weekly Spark:  Consider Your Consumption

The Weekly Spark: Consider Your Consumption

Nope, not talking about food here.   Today, we’re talking about your media consumption. Many of my students tell me that one of the most impactful assignments of their collegiate […]