Weekly Spark

The Weekly Spark:  Write Yourself a Poem

The Weekly Spark: Write Yourself a Poem

Little known fact: April is National Poetry Month. Even lesser known fact: I started my writing career as a poet and had a double focus in graduate school on non-fiction […]

Abstract Purple Pink Trees by C. Horvath

The Weekly Spark: Spring Awakening

I heart spring.  And because it is taking its dear sweet time arriving, I am getting really impatient for it.  Since I can’t yet enjoy everything that it has to […]

The Weekly Spark:  Practice Replicating Grace

The Weekly Spark: Practice Replicating Grace

Your best friend calls you in tears. “I am the worst mother in the world,” she tells you.  “Chase was being such a brat and I just lost it on […]

The Weekly Spark:  Understand Self-Acceptance

The Weekly Spark: Understand Self-Acceptance

You have to love yourself. Women hear this adage and they panic. “But love is so big, so total, so absolute,” we think.  “And sometimes I don’t really like what […]

The Weekly Spark: Write a Greatest Hits List

The Weekly Spark: Write a Greatest Hits List

Have you been singing a self-hating song lately?  Lamenting everything you do wrong and not giving yourself credit for what you are doing right? Well, it is time for a […]

The Weekly Spark:  Watch Your Impact

The Weekly Spark: Watch Your Impact

Allow me to tell you about my hair. I started life with curly hair.  It was so curly that my sister remembers me covering my little head with my fists […]

The Weekly Spark:  Tune out the media for a little bit

The Weekly Spark: Tune out the media for a little bit

80% of women feel worse about themselves after seeing a beauty ad.  $20 billion is spent on beauty marketing in the US annually.  It takes just one 30 minute television […]

The Weekly Spark:  Create a little ritual

The Weekly Spark: Create a little ritual

I love reading.  I was the girl who tried to sneak read a book on her lap during dinner.  I read while I blow dry my hair (aha!  Now you […]

the weekly spark: Practice One In, One Out

If I’m not disciplined about it, I can be the queen of holding on to clothing that doesn’t suit me, doesn’t fit, isn’t my style, or doesn’t reflect who I […]

The Weekly Spark:  Decide

The Weekly Spark: Decide

You know that thing that drives you nuts about your partner?  And it is not all that important, but every time he or she does it, you think, “Seriously, why […]