Spark Your Systems

spark your systems:: because your time matters

Does your life feel out of control right now? Are you drowning in papers and lists that don’t have any rhyme or reason to them? Are you putting off your […]

Upcoming Workshop: Spark Your Systems!

Are you loaded with inspiration but dogged by organization? Is your greatest limiting factor not your ideas but your execution? Are you ready to create the world of your imagining […]

SPARK Day 26: Friday Reflections

SPARK Day 26: Friday Reflections

Welcome to the final day of Spark— SPARK Day 26!  Every Friday, I reflect on the week that has just passed by doing a little senses exercise.  This practice is a gentle, […]

SPARK Day 25: Identify Your 10 Things

SPARK Day 25: Identify Your 10 Things

  Welcome to SPARK Day 25– the next to last day of SPARK!  And, today, we’re completing an exercise I have been doing each month for almost two years now: […]

SPARK Day 24: Explore Your SPARK Experience

Welcome to Spark Day 24!  On SPARK Wednesdays, we’re going within. The cornerstone to an intentional life is really knowing who you are and what you want to offer the world and understanding […]

8 steps to a happier, less frenetic fall

8 steps to a happier, less frenetic fall

I went back to school two Fridays ago and, boy, was that an adjustment. I LOVE my students already, but getting ready for back to school (drafting a syllabus, pre-planning […]

Spark Your Systems: Taking on Clutter

Spark Your Systems: Taking on Clutter

I am asked a lot about clutter management.  While I am no organization expert and there are definitely cabinets/closets I do not want you looking in if you are in […]

Spark your motivation

Spark your motivation

  Motivation.  It can prove elusive and, yet, it is one of the most important ingredients in creating the life that we most want to be living.  Today, I am […]

Spark Your Systems: Managing email

Spark Your Systems: Managing email

Quick.  Go open your email inbox.  How many emails are waiting for you there?  Not the new ones. I mean period.  How many emails are in your inbox? So, here’s […]

Spark Your Systems: Planning for What You Need, Want, and Have to Do

Spark Your Systems: Planning for What You Need, Want, and Have to Do

There are the things we want to do and the things we have to do and, sometimes, it feels impossible to make room for both. I get that.  I’ve been […]