Beautiful You

Starter steps to self-acceptance

Starter steps to self-acceptance

So, we’ve talked about the cold hard truth:   We’ve talked about what the means: . Now, it is time to talk about the very first steps when it comes […]

The Weekly Spark:  Understand Self-Acceptance

The Weekly Spark: Understand Self-Acceptance

You have to love yourself. Women hear this adage and they panic. “But love is so big, so total, so absolute,” we think.  “And sometimes I don’t really like what […]

it comes down to this...

it comes down to this…

What if I told you that you could only hang out with one friend for the rest of your life? One friend is all you get to see you through […]

I want to be a part of it...

I want to be a part of it…

New York, New York! Just returned from a fast but really wonderful trip to New York.  I was honored to be the kick off speaker for Women’s Herstory Month at […]

Two sides of the same story

wearing one of my mama’s dresses Last Monday, I had the great pleasure of talking to a couple creative writing classes at a high school in my hometown of Columbia, […]

The Weekly Spark: Write a Greatest Hits List

The Weekly Spark: Write a Greatest Hits List

Have you been singing a self-hating song lately?  Lamenting everything you do wrong and not giving yourself credit for what you are doing right? Well, it is time for a […]

Friday Reflections

Friday Reflections

Friday Reflections is all about reflecting on the week by observing our senses.  My hope is that this will be a gentle, easy way to tune into how we are […]

Restore yourself

Restore yourself

You know that friend who just feels like home?  I am lucky enough to have a few of those and one of those gals is Jen*, who happens to also […]

10 Things I Loved in February 2013

10 Things I Loved in February 2013

At the end of each month, I take stock of the previous month.  What went well?  What did I learn?  What brought me a simple joy?  These monthly reports are […]

There is no perfect.  There is no imperfect.

There is no perfect. There is no imperfect.

Quick… name the opposite. Dark… Tall… Fast… Can lightness exist if there is no darkness?  Can tall exist if no one is short?  Can slow be up for comparison if […]