Friday Reflections

A workshop that I lead has a tagline of “because reflection matters.”  Indeed, I think that knowing what’s on your mind and in your heart can be one of the most transcendent things.  It is in building your self-awareness that you can build your self-knowledge and embrace self-acceptance.  When you become the person who knows you best and you become really clear about who you are and how you are in the world, things change.  They transcend.

That is why so much of what I encourage here is about getting to know yourself, about refining that knowing, about always keeping a finger on the pulse.  Friday Reflections is all about reflecting on the week through the tool of observing our senses.  My hope is that this will be a gentle, easy way to tune into how we are doing and what we are experiencing weekly when journaling in general can feel so daunting.

Now, for this week’s Friday Reflections (with each sense as your inspiration, consider how experiencing it impacted your week).

Here is my sensory round-up for this week:     

tasting :: Taco Soup.  I can eat soup every day.  I love it.  And while I eat it a lot all year long, I love when fall comes around and we can start having some of our heartier, hotter soups.  Taco Soup is a regular standby at our house during the fall and winter months.  I mean, it has hominy.  I LOVE hominy.

hearing ::  listening to the audiobook of Maine by J. Courtney Sullivan.

smelling ::  a lovely lavender candle.  Another favorite thing about fall and winder is lighting candles for light and scent.

seeing ::  a friend’s brand new baby.  Holy cow, is there anything sweeter, more hopeful, more soul refreshing than meeting a new babe?  

feeling :: really invigorated.  I am working on some new work possibilities while savoring the afternoons and weekends with my family and for about two days I’ve had just the perfect balance. I know it won’t last long but I am going to enjoy it while I have it!    

wishing/hoping :: for healing and light for my loved ones who are sick or are caring for a loved one who is sick.  Side note:  Cancer totally offends me.

What about you?  What were your sensational experiences this week?  Please share!

This post was inspired by Teacher Goes Back to School who was inspired by Pink of Perfection’s Five Sense Friday.

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One response to “Friday Reflections”

  1. Cecile

    Hearing, seeing, feeling: Delight’s birthday party with 3 girlfriends. Delight’s surprise as she discovered that we organized her play dishes and furniture for them to have tea time with sweets. Girls eating so delicately these sweets as if they were in a high-society restaurant. Girls playing and laughing. Delight’s happpiness. My happiness.

    Tasting: Pasta with fresh tomatoes, eggplant, porcini, and a lot of fresh herbs.

    Smelling: The smell of forest from the treasures that Delight “harvested”.

    Wishing/hoping: for my brother to come sane and safe from a trip on the Kilimanjaro, as his plane back was cancelled. Everything went well, adventurous but well…

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