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Counting your blessings...

Counting your blessings…

To think of summarizing my blessings on one day each year feels a bit overwhelming.  Surely, I’ll forget something or someone and well, then, I’ll just feel awful (instead of […]

Price of Beauty Month 2 Update

Price of Beauty Month 2 Update

You might recall that on October 23 I made the commitment to track my beauty spending in a post called .  I figured the best way to update you here […]

Give Thanks!

Give Thanks!

So, here is a little secret from my world: I typically write my Monday blog post on Fridays (since one of my Basta! commitments has long been to not work […]

saturday senses

saturday senses

a way to capture the senses of each week…  tasting ::  the most yummy of birthday breakfasts– a locally-sourced sausage casserole and butterscotch banana bread made by a sweet friend. […]

this moment

this moment

A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Charlotte Today Guest

Guest on live lifestyle television program in Charlotte, NC

You have to go pure.

You have to go pure.

I was recently talking to a dear friend who is at a different stage than I am- she’s very established in her career, a few years away from retirement, and […]

saturday senses

saturday senses

  a way to capture the senses of each week…  tasting ::  this incredible ricotta, spinach, and bulgur pasta dish a Circle de Luz board member made for this week’s […]