Friday Reflections

a super serious SWAT team police officer

a super serious SWAT team police officer

Every Friday, I reflect on the week that has just passed by doing a little sensory exercise.  This practice is a gentle, easy way to tune into how we are doing, what we are experiencing, and what we are grateful for while more acutely tuning into our senses.  It’s a whole heart exercise with plenty of bodily input, if you will.  Because this practice has been so good for me, I want to encourage you to do it, too.  Building some gentle reflection into our weeks is a nice way to stay grounded while maintaining some big picture perspective.  So please join me in this week’s Friday Reflections (with each sense as your inspiration, consider how experiencing it impacted your week).

Here is my sensory round-up for the last week:
tasting :: roasted broccoli and cauliflower, butternut squash soup, crab and wild rice casserole, mixed greens, pears and cranberries with a lemon honey vinaigrette, berry muffins,  pancakes, the perfect soft-boiled eggs, steamed broccoli, roasted Brussels sprouts, and some Halloween candy.     
hearing :: beautiful toasts as we celebrate an engagement in the family    
smelling :: hay breath from the horses at Triple Play Farm.  Seriously one of my favorite smells ever.  A new lavender hair product for Happy.  Citrusy candles warming up the house on a rainy day.      
seeing ::  the geniuses at the Genius Bar as they helped me navigate computer issues and phone issues.  Also, how cool is it that their job title is Genius?  Also: trick or treaters.  
feeling :: so touched by my dear Body Image students as I read their Beautiful You journals.  Sweet, dear, earnest hearts.  So honored to walk alongside them!
wishing ::  for a really successful fundraiser next week for Circle de Luz.

What about you?  What were your sensational experiences this week?  Please share!

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