Meet the Body Warriors

I am launching a new weekly feature on the Hijas blog this week.  Starting today (and following every Tuesday), you will meet a Body Warrior-  a woman of any age, shape, size, culture, race, religion, background who is claiming her self and redefining beauty by looking at it through her own unique lens.  It doesn’t mean she always gets it right, it doesn’t mean that the chatter never reaches her ear, but it means that she lives delibertely with the intention of outwitting, outcharming, outsmarting, outgracing that chatter.  I hope you love these women as much as you have loved the M’ijas (who you will continue to see every Thursday), and I hope you learn as much from them and love them as much as I have and I do! 

Today’s inaugural Body Warrior is a very special one to me.  She’s on the top of my list of women that I admire, and she’s about as powerful and inspiring as they come.  I’ve been lucky to have her in my life for 15 years, and I am so happy to introducte her to your life.  Enjoy!   

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One response to “Meet the Body Warriors”

  1. crafty chica

    i wish there were more blogs like this. congrats on all your success!

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