
Visit Fierce Women Dish!

So, there is an appalling urinal in Charlotte that has us fired up over at Fierce Women Dish.  There’s also a lot of other great recent posts there, too, to […]

When I grow up, I want to be…

One of the activities I sometimes do with groups who are taking my journaling workshops is ask them to list ten careers they would just love to do- for whatever […]

From the vault: a poem from July 1994

From the vault: a poem from July 1994

This was one of the first pieces I wrote in an attempt to actively reconcile my ethnic identity, body image, and beauty perception.  I had just returned from a trip to […]

technology hiccup

So I set up posts to be published everyday while I was away but I just realized that it was a fruitless endeavor because none of them published. I promise […]

In Charlotte? Support Girl Talk!

                                                                                                                  Girl Talk Foundation Hosts 2nd  Annual Chocolate & Wine Tasting          Fundraiser to benefit programs for middle and high school girls   A mix of fine wines paired with decadent chocolates, […]

More things to do this summer

I am teaching a class on body image in the Women’s Studies Department at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte this fall so my plan is to get my […]

Well meaning, nosy or bossy?

So, the posse at Fierce Women Dish, the blog I write with 5 other fabulous women, is discussing the moments in our lives where supposedly well meaning people say or […]