
The perfect way to wake up on a Monday morning & Milestones Contest 2

The perfect way to wake up on a Monday morning & Milestones Contest 2

6:55 am Monday, September 28th.  “Will you turn on the news?”  Huh, I wonder, hearing BF’s voice.  It can’t possibly be time for the news.  This is our first awakening […]

The electric blue of the hydrangeas have dried to gray.

Signs that summer's fading


11 women and 6 days to go for one great cause!

One step forward, two steps back

Oh, I spoke way too soon about our sleep progress here at the house.  If baby slept four total hours last night between 7 am and 7 pm, I would […]

25 word sentence exercise

Last week I encouraged you to write a 25 word sentence about yourself that didn’t include your roles or your apperance as your definition.  It is the sort of exercise […]