
shine day 12: let nature give you a spark

shine day 12: let nature give you a spark

It was ten or eleven on a cold winter night (yeah, yeah, this sounds like the opening sentence to a different kind of story but bear with me!).  I was […]

shine day 11: let sleep give you a spark

shine day 11: let sleep give you a spark

I didn’t know how critical sleep was to functionality until we become parents.  In our little boy’s first year, he struggled to sleep which meant that we didn’t sleep.  If […]

shine: week 2 giveaways

shine: week 2 giveaways

I am so excited to announce this week’s shine giveaways. The weekly shine giveaway will take place on Fridays at 2 pm EST and all entries up to 1:59 PM […]

shine recommended reading

shine recommended reading

A bonus post today.  As I was reading everyone’s experiences, I was struck by some comments that came up that were similar to each other and was reminded by past […]