Beautiful You

Small, Smaller, Smallest

Kate Giguere Morris was a student at Davidson College when I worked there, and I had the wonderful fortune of being able to work with her.  She’s passionate and funny, […]

cupcake by Confections by Carly

You are invited!

  You are cordially invited to join me for the best kind of party.  One where you can wear whatever you like and enjoy it from any location of your […]

Your lovely bones

Your lovely bones

  Today, I have the great honor of welcoming Zero G Jenny to the blog.  Zero G Jenny is a Londoner on a mission to get us to live a Zero […]

this year

This moment

this year A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

photo by Jill E. Williams

Wise words

Whenever a line catches my eye while reading a magazine, I rip the page out and put it in an Inspiration file.  The other night I went through the file […]

The Sunshine Project

The Sunshine Project

I came up with the Sunshine Project last year when I was going through a hectic time and wanted to make sure I was doing what I could do to […]

5 practices to achieve greater mind-body balance and confidence

5 practices to achieve greater mind-body balance and confidence

  Too often, we exist in two different places- we keep our body really separate from our mind.  We’re listening to one or the other but not figuring out to integrate […]



Several years ago, I taught a college seminar called Exploring the Creative Process where we did just that: explore creativity theory and our own creative processes while employing lots of […]

photo by Jill E. Williams

Why do you ask?

I originally shared this post on October 13, 2008.  I updated it for today.    On Friday in the body image seminar that I have the joy of “facilitating” ( I […]

A Mantra for This Day

A Mantra for This Day

After the trees fell and the lightning struck (did I tell you that our ac unit got hit by lightning, too?) and the tree needed to come down and all […]