Beautiful You

Today, you are arriving.

Today, you are arriving.

Stop.  Right now and get off the ride.  Get off the ride that self-hate and defeat and apathy have taken you on. Walk away. You are not quitting.  You are […]

photo by Jill E. Williams


“I AM SHONTAE SMITH.” It was the first day of a summer enrichment program where I was serving as a counselor.  We asked each young person to stand up and […]

Plant the Seed

Plant the Seed

So, over the past few days in my Women in the Media class, we’ve been talking about women, sexuality and the media.  Naturally, with these discussions, our conversations have moved […]

photo by Jill E. Williams

My Basta! List

You know how you’ve never heard of something before and then you do hear about it and, all of a sudden, you notice it everywhere or how you bring up […]

10 Truths for Your Self-Acceptance Journey

Keynote for 11th and 12th grade women, Episcopal High School in Alexandria, VA

10 Truths for Your Self Acceptance Journey

Keynote for 9th and 10th grade women, Episcopal High School in Alexandria, VA

Before the Media Changes, We Have to Change

Keynote on media literacy at Episcopal High School in Alexandria, Virginia

10 Truths for Your Self-Acceptance Journey

Keynote lecturer at Gaston College.

photo by Jill E. Williams

A recent round-up

I’m in the throes of grading so there’s no new post today, but there are a lot of posts that I have to share with you from blogging, interviews, and […]

what's your fun?

what’s your fun?

I was riding in the car today when I turned on the radio and heard just the very end of an interview on food.  What I did hear was this […]