I am doing this to protect my heart
As it turns out, I lied to my high school students. I, who prided myself in being a straight shooter, who felt my gentle but honest way was the cornerstone […]
on being imperfect
photo by Jill E. Williams I am reading Portia de Rossi’s Unbearable Lightness, and I am struck by how she was paralyzed by, even at a young age, being perfect. […]
getting to body peace
Chaperoning Prom, circa 1998 The time: Monday morning. The scene: my closet. The problem: what to wear to be on television. The challenge: the transition in weather makes me not want to […]
We are meant for uniqueness…
Today you will find me over at Voxxi talking about photo retouching, beauty, perfection, and imperfection. Here is a brief excerpt from You are beautiful just the way you are: […]
Something Magical…
I am honored today to introduce you to Kaleigh Somers who founded of HUGstronger to help empower college students and reassure them that they are not alone in their struggles, […]
Join me for an upcoming workshop!
Ready to think about beauty and your possibility in a whole new way? Need a creative jolt or some unique inspiration? Want to intentionally create the life you have imagined? […]
Don’t wait to enjoy life
Today, you can find me over at the Charlotte Observer where I share my thoughts on enjoying life now. Have you ever said you need to wait to do something […]
What women must do
Today, you can find me blogging in two places. Over at Voxxi Mujer, talking about what role women have in body image standards reform. In this piece, the essential point […]
You have landed.
Imagine for a moment that it stopped. The merry-go-round of opinion and judgment that you ride on just quit. Lost all its steam and gave out. You would stand there, […]
Are you ready to live your announcement?
Years ago, there was an ad (Nike?) that I just loved. It read: You are born. And oh, how you wail! Your first breath is a scream. Not timid or […]