blowing my own mind
So, here is a fundamental truth about me: I do not LIKE running. I mean, I run. In fair weather. And by fair weather I mean 50 to 60 degrees […]
author interview: Lorraine C. Ladish
I “met” Lorraince Ladish in 2007. She’s an author and editor with an incredible can do spirit and a sense of generosity and grace. I immediately liked her and have […]
The soundtrack of our lives
Walking across campus, nearly every student I see has ear buds in. Music is the rhythm of my students’ lives; it is like their lifeline, the rhythm like their heart […]
Nothing looks as good as confidence feels
On Friday, I talked about my affection for Pinterest inspired menu planning. Today, I am taking on one of my least favorite part of the Pinterest experience– the Thinspo motivation. […]
Upcoming Workshops
Equinox has wrapped (what fun, what fun! To hear my big aha from the day, read this post. To hear a participant’s thoughts on the day, read this post) and […]
March Round-Up
I had several different posts around the internet in March and wanted to share some of them with you, in case you missed them and wanted to […]
tricks and tips for the creative process
Life is a work of art and we are its artists, born with the tools- our innate imagination, curiosity, and playfulness- to create anything we can imagine… Art is simply […]
You are what you do
“I am trying to become a writer,” Page says as we work our way around the circle in introductions. It is Saturday, and we are at Equinox- a creativity […]
There’s enough. Don’t worry. Don’t compete.
This week is Teen Week: Words that Heal, inspired by the genius that is Mara at Medicinal Marzipan. When she initially wrote to ask if I’d participate, she asked, “what […]