shine day 8: Spark Self-Acceptance with a Smile
My little boy is nicknamed Happy. Meet him and it is easy to see why. He has a smile that cracks his whole face open, that says welcome to my […]
announcing Shine
Announcing…. a 31 day guide to embracing your authentic, beautiful self so you can be lit from within to live your passion and purpose and give your gifts to the […]
today, I am practicing
She was ripe with apologies. “I am so sorry that I cannot do this.” She said in multiple iterations, over and over again, over the course of the class. […]
peeking under the hood
So, the other day I ran into a woman who had recently moved back to town after some years away. When she last lived here, I had been freelancing and […]
introducing Karina Cousineau of Karina Dresses
Today, I am honored to introduce you to Karina Cousineau of Karina Dresses. I first discovered Karina Dresses on Sally McGraw’s awesome Already Pretty blog. Then, I had the good […]
What do you know about bulimia?
When I was writing Hijas Americanas, a Latina approached me who wanted to tell her story, even though no one knew her secret. You see, she has in her eight […]
coming soon… SHINE
Coming soon…. shine spark your self-acceptance a 31 day guide to embracing your authentic, beautiful self so you can be lit from within to live your passion and purpose and […]
a roadmap for resilience
re·sil·ience [ri-zil-yuhns, -zil-ee-uhns] noun 1. the power or ability to return to the original form, position,etc., after being bent, compressed, or stretched; elasticity. 2. ability to recover readily from illness, […]
flipping the switch (from self-hate to self-acceptance)
I was maybe 20 at the time, working at a summer program with a few of my favorite friends that I had made in college. One of those friends was […]