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SPARK Day 8: Start a Weekly Review

SPARK Day 8: Start a Weekly Review

I’ve got a host of bad habits.  I stay up too late.  If I oversleep, I bag my workout because I just don’t have the minutes to spare (I tell […]

Spark Day 7: The Happy Sheet

Spark Day 7: The Happy Sheet

SPARK Day 6: Write a wellness prescription

Welcome toDay 6!   But before we hop into today’s exercise, I have a quick “program” announcement.   I shared that today’s post would be about doing a weekly review. […]

Spark Day 5: Reflect with Friday Reflections

Spark Day 5: Reflect with Friday Reflections

Welcome to  Day 5!  Every Friday, I reflect on the week that has just passed by doing a little senses exercise.  This practice is a gentle, easy way to tune […]

SPARK Day 4: Create a Master To Do List

SPARK Day 4: Create a Master To Do List

Welcome to Day 4!   One of my absolute best practices is how I manage my have to dos and want to dos.  It has taken me years to fine […]

SPARK Day 3: Explore

The cornerstone to an intentional life is really knowing who you are and what you want to offer the world and understanding how to get there.  Sometimes, we think by […]

SPARK Day 2: Create a Vision Board

SPARK Day 2: Create a Vision Board

  Yesterday, we focused on selecting a Word for the Year.  If a word for the year is all about intention, then vision boards are all about capturing vision. So […]

SPARK Day 1: Choose a word for 2014

SPARK Day 1: Choose a word for 2014

Happy New Year and welcome to SPARK!  What is SPARK?  .  The short version is that I will spend the month of January offering practices and exercises here that are […]

The Happy Sheet: Try to be alive

The Happy Sheet: Try to be alive

Friday Reflections

Friday Reflections

Friday Reflections is all about reflecting on the week by observing our senses.  My hope is that this will be a gentle, easy way to tune into how we are […]