Since it is close to January 18th, two months after my 39th birthday, and 10 months before 40, I thought that I would take a minute to look over my birthday list and see where things stand. So far, off my birthday list of 39 things, I’ve crossed off:
Get a facial. A new experience. Now, I will try to be diligent about moisturizing.
Go 10 days sugarless. If you know me, you know this is epic. I don’t drink coffee so sugar is my cheap afternoon energy fix. Except I didn’t want a cheap afternoon energy fix any more because I was fairly certain that afternoon fix was keeping me up way too late at night and creating this crazy cycle. So, I went sugarless from January 2nd to the 12th (the 12th was a friend’s birthday so birthday desserts were had). I am now able to go to bed earlier– TV off by 10 pm and lights out by 10:30 which makes 5:30 am not come so fast. It’s been a good deal. My plan now that I am past the 10 sugarless days is to just have sugar for special/ fun occasions. We’ll see how I do.
Start the You are Special Plate tradition. So sweet. We introduced the plate on the anniversary of our adoption being approved and I look forward to using it for years to come.
Take my birthday off.
Make a personal vision board. Make a professional vision board.
Get a hot stone massage. I have now done this twice. I obviously didn’t like it at all.
Do something from Pinterest.I’ve also been working on my some of my multi-part items like write 39 thank you notes, read 20 fun books, take at least 20 yoga classes, take at least 20 Pilates classes.
By my February update, I am hoping to have completed hear live music, go to a musical or play (I would love it if it were one we could take Happy to see), and send 39 thank you notes.
Do you write a birthday or bucket list? What’s on your list? And what suggestions do you have for mine? I am always tweaking this one to make sure my 40th year is filled with fun, challenging, just right things!