a way to capture the senses of each week…
tasting :: the most yummy of birthday breakfasts– a locally-sourced sausage casserole and butterscotch banana bread made by a sweet friend. Yum.
hearing :: lots of renditions of Happy’s Happy Birthday tune as my dad’s birthday was this week, too and we got to celebrate with him a few times!
smelling :: a pretty fabulous Goji Tarocco orange candle a dear friend sent me that I almost want to lick because it smells so good.
seeing :: gorgeous, inspiring vision boards my friends and I whipped up.
feeling :: so grateful to my amazing friends and family. Sometimes, I survey the scene of my life and just want to weep over how right it is for me and how blessed I am.
wishing/hoping :: for everyone to have the most peaceful, joyful and lovely of Thanksgivings.
What about you? What were your sensational experiences this week? Please tell me all about it!
This post was inspired by Teacher Goes Back to School who was inspired by Pink of Perfection’s Five Sense Friday.