With Thanksgiving comes the inevitable list making. What to cook, what to buy so that you can cook, what to do when you are done cooking (RELAX!), who to shop for when you hit the stores and what to buy when you get there. Well, allow me to go ahead and help you with the last item on that list of lists: what to buy.
This beautiful book is the perfect gift for the women on your life. Written with 15 to 60-somethings in mind, the book is accessible and, hopefully, inspiring. But don’t take my word for it. Here is what other people (like Amazon.com customers who reviewed) have said about it…
I loved it from the start. Reading the book reminded me of that one friend you have that always makes you feel better about who you are, what you are doing and the life you are leading. The friend encourages you, pats you on the back, extols grace and exudes positivity. This is a great book to read daily not only to accept yourself but to smile, laugh and remember that life shouldn’t be so crazy. I love the daily readings and the activities that go along with them. Each action item is simplistic in nature but yet so deep in meaning. The gentle journey of “Beautiful You” isn’t a loud wake-up call to accepting yourself, no that’s not the radical part, it’s a gentle radical shift in perspective that you gain by reading the book that allows you to fully embrace yourself.
I love this book, it has great exercises that are simple but remind you on a daily basis of how as women we sabotage ourselves and are our own worst critics. There are daily affirmations to help us be better to ourselves and other women and less critical of our outer selves and concentrate on what our inner selves look like. It is like having a real, meaningful and authentic conversation with a good friend who is trying to show us the error of our ways. Awesome book for both adult women and certainly something I would get for my teenage daughters (if i had any)to help them combat the images they get in our sexualized, media driven society.
Beautiful You is filled with activities and affirmations to help readers live their best lives. It’s like having a best friend on the nightstand, reminding you that your beauty is about so much more than the size of your thighs or the color of your hair. Molinary uses examples from her own life to illustrate the importance of self-acceptance. It’s her candor that brings the book to life. The activities offer great food-for-thought and gently push you to rethink your own inner dialogue about beauty. A great book!
I just love this book, it’s like having a conversation with a good friend, someone who comes over daily for a cup of tea, a latte, or in the afternoon a glass of wine, someone who reminds you how truly wonderful you are, who inspires you to live to your potential, and who points out the little things in life to be grateful for. The ideas and passages are practical, easy to accomplish and relate too. It’s written so you can pick it up and down as needed. My life can get kind of hectic with two little ones, someone always needs to be fed, entertained, put to sleep, etc, since getting the book I’ll read a few pages when I get a moment and it’s a lovely reminder that I am pretty great, I can get through the day/week/month whatever. I think the book would also make a wonderful gift for women in any stage of life, as it’s so positive and supportive withoug being you know saccharin-ey, cheerlead-ey, over the top, you know? It’s just right, like your BFF in book form.
Rosie, is an amazing and beautiful writer. She conveys the most intimate and desperate feelings with such grace and sensitivity that any feelings one might have of inadequacy are quickly resolved to recognize, accept and appreciate their uniquity. I truly believe, this book will rescue a lot of people, from themselves.
So pick up Beautiful You today for the women in your life (on Amazon, it is just $11.53 but feel free to buy it wherever you prefer to shop including your local indie bookstore). And let’s personalize the gift by emailing me at hijasamericanas@gmail.com to let me know who you bought it for and your address and I’ll send you a signed bookplate for each of your receipients! If you are local, just let me know and we’ll hook up for me to sign it for you. So, go ahead, scratch a bunch of people off your list today before even tackling the sweet potato pie.