The words for the year shared here were just so inspiring (in fact, so inspiring that each person made me want to claim their word for my word for the year).
Here are the words that were shared…
From Jenny K.: RELAX. Although my acquaintances likely take me for a happy-go-lucky girl, my good friends and close family understand that I have a VERY hard time relaxing. Guys, I have trouble relaxing during full-body massages and yoga class. I’ve been told that it’s the result of my mind’s chemistry, and I’m sure that’s right…but sometimes I find brief moments where I’m truly present, happy, and RELAXED, and the whole world looks different. I can feel my body buzzing with life, see the beautiful colors around me, and notice and appreciate the wonderful life I’ve made for myself. If in 2010 I could have more of these moments…and turn them into minutes…and go from there…how great that would be.
From Laura P.: Presence. In a year where I sense there will be lots of opportunities to worry about what is to come, I want to be able to truly soak up the moments as they come to me without anxiety about the next step. I can be so bad about enjoying what I have while I have it, and I want to focus on allowing myself to enjoy each piece of life as it comes.
From Holly S.: My word this year is Resilience. I have a lot of change coming up this year that should bring me to a wonderful place in life for 2011 but first I have to make it through 2010. This year I am trusting that my past experiences, personal strength, and supportive friends will get me through the in-between time with grace and hopefully that I will learn to be a stronger, more resilient woman for having gone through the experiences and changes ahead.
From Liz S.: My word for this year is: faith. I’ve had a very blessed few years, and now I find myself constantly waiting for things to go wrong — the other shoe to drop, so to speak. No way to live life. So this year I want to have faith — not that everything will always go well, but that I will find the resilience in myself and through the support of family and friends to respond to the challenges that do arise.
From Kelley C: RECLAMATION – “the conversion of wasteland into land suitable for use of habitation or cultivation.” After 5.5 years of full time parenting, I am in reclamation mode . . .for me and for my little loves.
From Lisette: Acceptance. Of myself and others.
And my mother and father in law emailed in their words for the year: Faith and Sustainable (respectively).
BF pulled the names of drawing winners this morning: Kelley wins a copy of Hijas Americanas and Holly wins a scarf from Ethiopia!
And now for some quick reflection on my word for the year: WELLNESS. I am signed up for a race in March so I better get running or it’ll be miserable (and then the rains come so I can’t run outdoors. Yeah, I could if Iwas hard core but I am so not hard core. And then Happy Candelas gets a wicked cold so I can’t take him to the gym’s child watch. And now I’m sick. So there has been a week and a half of no running which means my wellness focus has, um, turned to my food and sleep and other variables I can control right now). So, my wellness goals this week is to get my daily fruit and veggie intake up to a minimum of five (so that it can one day reach the government recommendation of 9), get my three runs in and at least two other cross training workouts, and to get at least seven hours of sleep a night. More next week on whether or not I pull it off or descend back into the path of least resistance.
Kelley’s is definitely my favorite. What a great word, and what an important concept for a parent.