So, it has been a week since I declared my Make an Effort resolution, and I have to say that while it has required some stealth organizing and then holding to the calendar, it has worked. The true test came when my parents came up for lunch the other day. In the olden days (read 3 days before), I would have looked at my calendar, seen that it was the ONLY thing on my calendar that day and gone to lunch with them in my yoga pants and sweatshirt. Not this time. As soon as I got done with my workout, I showered and got ready– putting on dark jeans and a v neck floral sweater, doing something with my hair, and putting on a little make-up. Now, as soon as we got home from lunch and they left, I changed back into my workout wear but I didn’t need to go back out of the house that day so it was fine. The next day, BF and I ran some errands and went to a movie. I pulled out a brown corduroy A-line jacket for the occassion and funky clogs that I just love and have worn less than 5 times though I’ve had them for a long time. BF asked if the coat, an Old Navy find from a few years ago, was new. Guess someone else is only used to seeing me in workout clothes, too. On Tuesday, I got all dolled with make-up and another sweater that rarely makes it onto my body but couldn’t stand to do my hair. A wide headband gave me far more polish than I could have pulled off formally doing my hair. I imagine that getting ready is like riding a bike. I haven’t yet tried different shoes with my outfits– I am relying on my Danksos to be multi-purpose. I have on my signature silver necklace with a plate that reads Fearlessness and staple silver hoops when I have a jewelry box full of fun stuff, but I am getting there. Just the other day, in the mail, came a purchase I made after one of my editors recommended it (not because she was evaluating my appearance, I promise): The One Hundered- A Guide to The Pieces Every Stylish Woman Must Own by Nina Garcia (she’s on Project Runway. It will surprise no one here that I have not seen an episode of Project Runway so I will have to take the book cover’s word for it). Something tells me that I might score about an 42 out of The One Hundred. I’ll let you know. But maybe the One Hundred will be the perfect thing for helping me efficiently get my “make an effort” act together. More soon!
First, the book is fabulous and Nina Garcia is just as- if not more- fantastic than the book. She’s blunt and too the point. I love it.
Second, I want to say kudos for your Make An Effort resolution. I always make a point to not go out in my work-out gear for that reason. Obviously, if I’m going to Trader Joe’s, I don’t care about what I wear. But I can honestly say that after 3 and 1/2 years of college, I have never worn sweat pants to a single class. I think it affects your mind set. I refuse to put on a face of make-up if I’m working at home or going to the library, but being dressed in something other than my sweaty (and sometimes quite stinky) yoga clothes gives me more motivation. I know you need no help in the motivation department; but I think that you will reep an added bonus through this resolution. Making an effort, even if it is just a fabulous head-band, makes you walk a little different.