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So, are you a resolver? I’m not really. I make my annual birthday list in November and that really counts as my resolutions. But I am very interested in resolutions. I write about them. I am very into helping other people figure out how to accomplish their’s, but there is something about the whole New Yearness of resolutions that really hasn’t worked for me in the past. That said, there were all these behaviors I had in mind to adopt before I ever became a parent and I figured I would have plenty of time to adopt them before ever becoming a parent. And then this happened and I realize now that I don’t have a whole lot of time to change my behaviors before becoming a parent so I am wondering if I need to have some resolutions this year. If I did, they would look like this: give up Coca-Cola and my other sugar fixes. I don’t want my kids to have the sweet tooth I have– because I would rather have dessert for three squares a day than anything else- and so I know I need to lead by example and just have less of a sweet tooth. A few years ago, I gave up Coke at the New Year because I knew I was spending the better part of the summer in the Brazilian Amazon rain forest region. Where the heck was I going to find Coke there? I weaned myself, endured caffeine headaches, and battled through the weaning phase only to arrive in Brazil to find Coke everywhere– and a refrigerator, in our otherwise spartan setting, filled with glass bottled cokes which is like nectar of the Gods to me. I fell off the wagon, needless to say. So I am wondering about a sweet tooth cleanse come January 1. I am also thinking about a ‘get really buff’ movement. I work out fairly regularly, but Idon’t think I am prepared to hold a not so small baby for many many minutes, added up to hours, over the course of a day. It seems like some significant core work might make things signficantly easier. And I wonder if I should try to go ahead and create a routine for how our work/ home schedule is going to go so that is one less thing to think about come “Go” time. So, I am thinking about resolutions these days and whether or not to engage. Do you do them? If so, what resolutions have been scucessful for you and what were you strategies worked for you? Or have you been a chronic resolver and yet not a chronic follow-througher? What resolution has been teasing you to accomplish it for years? Give me some insight and maybe even some inspiration.