As you know, I am undergoing a 35 gift challenge in anticipation of my 35th birthday.
Here are gifts 6-11.
#6 I noticed that BF’s cologne was running low so I braved the mall and got him a new bottle so he didn’t have to go.
#7 I met with a college senior who has an idea for a book and wanted advice. I don’t know how good my advice was, but I gave her some.
#8 I picked up flowers for MK as a congratulations for her Ironman performance.
#9 I picked up a beautiful 2009 calendar for my office that benefits a local non-profit and decided to pick one up for BF’s office, too.
#10 BF and I put together a little tiny (fits in a gallon Ziploc bag) care package for our baby boy and sent it off.
#11 I had two friends from the neighborhood over for dinner and Scrabble.