You know that I am a girl with a list. Some people write life lists, mine’s a year list, but, in general, I love any good list. So imagine my delight on Friday night when I curled up in bed with my September issue of Self magazine and came across Create your Happy Life List by Stephanie Dolgoff. Check it out here if you’re itching to write a list.
As for me, I couldn’t resist the little teasers she gave for writing a few choice brief lists. So here we go:
Every day, I would like to… have a great laugh over something, sleep eight hours, do something else great for my body like workout or eat plenty of fresh produce
Every week, I would like to… have a massage, catch up with an old friend, read a book
In three months, I would like to… have completed a book proposal and sent it out, have renovated the guest bathroom, taken a little weekend vacation
Before next year, I would like to (since next year is just 3 months away, I am playing this like it’s a year from now)… have completed a book, cleaned out my parents’ attic (the spirit is willing, the flesh is weak!), get some landscaping done around this place. We’re sandwiched between two master gardeners, and it’s just so sad out there!
In 3 to 5 years, I would like to… have Circle de Luz running strong and organically, have another book or two out, have visited Africa
Before I die, I would like to… go to the Super Bowl, travel to Italy, live at the beach for a period
Your turn. What are some of your answers to these teasers?