Hot damn. You know how I have been on a bit of a sabbatical with my summer, trying to slowly proceed so that I can make sure that I am not just impulsively doing work just to do it (as opposed to doing what I do because I must, because to not do it is more painful than doing it). Well, I made that declaration for the beginning of June. And, finally, at the end of July, I am seeing the fruits of that effort. It took a while because there were a couple unexpected trips that had to be made which meant that I had to work a wee bit more intensely then I had planned to during the time that I was home. But, now, everything that I had committed to pre-sabbatical is in, and there is a lovely blank slate before me. I realized that I was stepping into that clearing last week and so I thought about what I wanted to do with my days, what work I wanted to concentrate on and what work would be like my brain candy. And then I had another little epiphany that is on par with my realization that I should never leave my house for anything in the morning unless I am prepared for the fact that I really won’t get any writing done that afternoon (other than my workout which will only get done if it’s done first thing. Stay with me; I know I am quirky) , I realized that I should be working in blocks of time. Before, I tried to do a little bit of all of my gigs everyday. I’d break things into 60 or 90 minute chunks and so I’d work on book stuff, article stuff, teaching stuff, non-profit stuff, and speaking engagement stuff all in the same day. But this past Friday, I remembered this notion that I had when I decided to write full-time. I had thought that I could have designated days: two days for magazine writing, 2 days for teaching writing and other workshops, and 1 day for volunteering- each week a routine. But, instantly, as assignments started coming in, I let the idea of that go and everything just happened on any day. And now, I am circling back around to that ide– wondering if I had something back then when I was thinking about compartmentalizing my days. So, I decided to try it this week. Monday was books/blogs day. My to do list was filled with items that really only had to do with those two items. And walla!– turns out I had enough time to complete two enormous book tasks that have been hanging over my head. Item # 1: getting a book proposal out to a publisher. Done by 10 am. Then # 2: create notecards for all of my ideas for each chapter of said book then organize those notecards into a file box divided by chapter. It took me until 4 in the afternoon (I did have a long lunch break to see a friend from college who was passing through town), but it’s a thing of beauty and it just felt so satisfying to get it done. Tuesday was a little less productive because I had a dental cleaning in the morning (no cavities!)– clearly I scheduled that appointment 6 months ago before I made my rule of no morning meetings- but it was freelancing day, and I got a big assignment in pretty ahead of deadline and then worked on scheduling interviews and doing research for 3 other articles. And, finally, I had the moment of extreme gratitude for moving more deliberately with my work when two offers came through in the afternoon to write essays for two different publications– a hip magazine that I love, love, love and a book project that is just so cool and in line with my values and priorities as a person (more on those when they are closer to being published, I’m sure). I could say yes to both of them because I had made the room for them– unknowingly and yet hopefully- over the last two months. Wednesday is a half and half day. The morning is to be spent working on my freelance stuff and the afternoon will be spent on Circle de Luz stuff. Thursday is a freelancing morning and a planning my body image class afternoon (ie: write lesson plans for at least 1 seminar, if not two). Friday is back to book writing. I plan to start work on a different book proposal and do a couple writing samples for it. I am not certain, because it hasn’t been that long, but I sure do feel like I am entering the zone.
YAY!! Congrats .. let us know when the mag comes out..
I love to organize..(weird I know) i think everything should have its own place in this crazy world ;-D
Ive been the the new house for almost 2 months and I was living out of boxes.. yea drove me crazy.. lol
I am with you– there is something so satisfying about an organized space. Ahhhhh…
Sounds like the boxes are now unpacked. Wish I could have been there to help!
That’s great, Rosie! Congratulations on finding a better way.
Thanks, FW. It’s always so nice to be able to quiet long enough to discover one’s rhythms and that act from that space. Here’s to hoping that this way sticks!