6:10 Up and at ’em. Throw on workout skort, t-shirt, ball cap, hoodie, and sneaks, brush teeth, and walk to Town Hall to vote.
6:30 Arrive at Town Hall. Line’s out the door. I love voting!
7:05 Leave Town Hall, walk home, jump in car and dash to gym.
7:15 Lift weights. Highlight: 3 sets of 20 straight up pushups. I hate every second, but feel strong afterwards.
8:05 Grocery store run. Buy fixings for baked ziti. I have a board meeting Wednesday night for Circle de Luz, and that’s what’s for dinner.
8:20 Breakfast: a homemade blueberry muffin, boiled egg, and a banana.
8:30 Email.
9:05 Book 3 article interviews, sign an article contract, and write a sidebar for a sailing article (a sidebar is one of those boxes within a magazine story that give you some additional information about the subject matter. This sidebar is the route sheet for a family who sailed around the Atlantic for two years).
9:50 My Community Supported Agriculture items arrive– kale, mustard greens, spinach, romaine lettuce, Asian greens, and red leaf lettuce. I’m excited. BF’s worried.
10:00 Go running with my neighbor and take Lola along in the hopes that she’ll drag me along. No such luck. Instead, she dramatically stops and sniffs every few feet, jerking me back each time. Sweet relief comes when we stop at a local store to window shop, and the shop girl offers water.
11:00 I answer email then settle in to revise an article.
12:30 Browse the internet while eating lunch.
1:00 Back to the revision.
3:00 Friend calls to talk politics.
3:30 Write this blog post and a post for Circle de Luz. Wait for call backs to check details on revision. Go through e-mail. My sister calls. Blah, Blah, Blah somehow the time passes until dinner.