A Body Warrior to Meet: Lorraine


What I love about myself:  I love my passion, my poise, and my creativity.  I love the fact that I am not willing to compromise who I am to fit into anyone’s box.  I love being me!  I know that I am unique.  I know that I am special; I also know that when I look at myself in the mirror I am pleased by the woman I see looking back.

My biggest challenge in accepting my body and beauty: My biggest challenge in accepting my body and beauty was learning to do just that.  I have learned that you cannot expect other to validate who you are without you first accepting who you are.  Growing up I was teased about my size and often felt self conscious about the way I looked, but as I have matured over the years, I no longer let others tell me how to feel.  If I don’t like how I am feeling or looking at a particular point in my life, I know I have the control to make change — I make adjustments on my terms.  I understand now that my size has as much to do with what I feed myself mentally as well as physically.


My biggest support in learning to appreciate myself: My biggest support has been my friends and my family.  I will selfishly say that I have the best girlfriends in the world.  These women are fierce in their own right and continue to serve as daily inspirations of self love.  I know that I would not be where I am today, without the support and love of friends who not only celebrate my successes with me, but also challenge me when I am not doing what I need to do.

Beauty is:  the essence of every woman — the sun smiling back at you on a windy fall day! 

Why I am strong:  I am strong because I have lived, I have lost, and I have conquered 

Why I am beautiful: I am beautiful because I feel beautiful!  

What women must know:  Every woman must learn to love herself both inside and out! Don’t wait for others to validate your existence! You must know and believe that every ounce of you matters

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One response to “A Body Warrior to Meet: Lorraine”

  1. C Browder

    I think Lorraine is right on point! You are beautiful!

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