So, I have to admit that I am totally not used to people asking me to sign their books. In fact, I am a bit embarrassed by both the attention (what if I totally dork out when I am signing and sign something unintelligible or ineligible for that matter? As Ryan, the cute husband to one of my dearest friends will tell you, my messy script caused me to misspell my name when I signed off as the witness on his and Julie’s wedding license) and my own inadequacy. But, nonetheless, I’ve been asked by a few people to send them signed postcards, etc so I thought I’d come up with something better to offer when folks who I won’t be crossing paths with anytime soon at a signing ask for a memento. So, here it is: if you are interested in an autographed book plate, reading guide for Hijas Americanas: Beauty, Body Image, and Growing Up Latina, and a bookmark, please mail a SASE to Rosie Molinary PO Box 695 Davidson NC 28035 with a note containing signing instructions inside (who do you want me to dedicate the bookplate to and is it for a special occasion that you want me to make note of in my message? For example, do you want me to write Happy Birthday to the person, etc.), and I’ll hook you up. I am on the road a good bit in September and October, but I’ll get the bookplate and other items out to you as soon as I get your mailing. Thanks so much for your interest and support!