Friday Reflections


Every Friday, I reflect on the week that has just passed by doing a little sensory exercise.  This practice is a gentle, easy way to tune into how we are doing, what we are experiencing, and what we are grateful for while more acutely tuning into our senses.  It’s a whole heart exercise with plenty of bodily input, if you will.  Because this practice has been so good for me, I want to encourage you to do it, too.  Building some gentle reflection into our weeks is a nice way to stay grounded while maintaining some big picture perspective.  So please join me in this week’s Friday Reflections (with each sense as your inspiration, consider how experiencing it impacted your week).

Here is my sensory round-up for the last week:
tasting ::  strawberries on spinach with goat cheese, plums, grapes, berries galore, pistachios, sautéed summer veggies (peppers and zucchini), and some popsicles
hearing ::  the Cicadas making a racket at night.  Boy, do they have a song to sing!  I just love their electric buzz.
smelling ::  lit candles and sunscreen

seeing ::  our little boy bounce back.  He’s back to big smiles, plenty of energy, and lots he wants to do.  Very good.  Also: another lost tooth.  We threw the tooth on the roof in honor of an Ethiopian tradition (in a tooth fairy pillow so we were able to retrieve it because for some strange reason, I am sentimental about these teeth.  I imagine in ten years, I’ll find the baby teeth and think Gross! but, for now, I’ve got six little lost teeth hanging out together in a box).

feeling ::  really blessed to work with the amazing women who run Circle de Luz.  We had our board retreat and leadership meeting for the new school year this past weekend and I am honored to be on this team and so excited for the new school year with our girls.

wishing ::  for a lovely weekend as we have lots of celebrations to enjoy.  That means there will be cake and ice cream and laughter.  What more could a girl wish for?

What about you?  What were your sensational experiences this week?  Please share!

This post was inspired by Teacher Goes Back to School who was inspired by Pink of Perfection’s Five Sense Friday.

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