Friday Reflections


Every Friday, I reflect on the week that has just passed by doing a little senses exercise.  This practice is a gentle, easy way to tune into how we are doing, what we are experiencing, and what we are grateful for while more acutely tuning into our senses.  It’s a whole heart exercise with plenty of bodily input, if you will.  Because this practice has been so good for me, I want to encourage you to do it, too.  Building some gentle reflection into our weeks is a nice way to stay grounded while maintaining some big picture perspective.  So please join me in this week’s Friday Reflections (with each sense as your inspiration, consider how experiencing it impacted your week).

Here is my sensory round-up for this week:
tasting ::  mushroom and pea risotto, zucchini fritters (or green pancakes as Happy calls them), lemon orzo and meatball soup, Frozen Lemonade (one of my favorite summer treats) while watching a mid-day minor league baseball game in the city.

hearing ::  a gorgeous summer rain fall while I sat on our porch swing and read.

smelling :: chlorine and sunscreen.  The perfect summer scent.

seeing ::  a musk rat take a long, leisurely swim and an Egret swoop in for a landing on a dock not far from the musk rat and then preen and clean itself.  This was all while I was doing Pilates (the Pilates and Yoga studio at my gym looks out on a lake.  It’s like Animal Planet out those windows).

feeling ::  the already unbearable heat of a Carolina summer at the ballpark (Happy and I had to go sit in the shade for awhile).  Just in case we thought we were going to catch a break this summer after winter handed it to us, the answer is no.

wishing ::  for a really glorious and fun Circle de Luz graduation for our inaugural class next week, for a safe trip to Nashville for Anna Guest-Jelley’s Curve Camp and an incredible experience, for a lovely time this weekend celebrating the dads in my life

What about you?  What were your sensational experiences this week?  Please share!

This post was inspired by Teacher Goes Back to School who was inspired by Pink of Perfection’s Five Sense Friday.

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