Living the List, Month 7

Photo1Since it is June 18th, seven months after my 39th birthday, and 5 months before 40, I thought that I would take a minute to look over my birthday list and see where things stand. So, here we go.

My birthday list consisted of 39 things and, so far, I have completed 13 items:  Try at least 12 new recipes; See my college roommates; Get a facial; Go 10 days sugarless; Start the You are Special Plate tradition; Take my birthday off; Make a personal vision boardMake a professional vision board; Get a hot stone massage; Do something from PinterestRaise $1000 for Circle de Luz through Run Big Dream Big; See a live performance; go stand up paddling.

And I am at work on these other items:

Read 30 pleasure books.  I am reading # 18 now and listening to # 19.  My most recent best reads are Where’d You Go, Bernadette and Reconstructing Amelia.

Try 6 new Charlotte restaurants. 4 down, 2 to go.

Run 213 miles.  I’ve been hitting the pavement a few times a week and am building up my mileage.

Remember birthdays.  I feel like I can’t judge this one until the end but already feel like I am doing a much better job.

Write 39 thank you notes to people who have touched my life.  I’ve written and mailed about a third of them.  Would really like to have this one done by the end of the summer.

Eat from a food truck.  Everyone is talking about food trucks and I am desperate to try one but I live outside the city where all the food trucks are.  That said, I just found out that  the town next to mine is hosting food trucks for lunch on Wednesdays so I am hoping to get to it soon.

Help recruit at least 60 new mijas for our newest Circle de Luz class by August.  We have 25 new mijas right now and my personal goal is that we will be at 30 by July 1st.   I would love for you to consider becoming a mija. Wonder what it means to be a mija?  Listen to this powerful comment from one of our program members about what mijas mean to her.  If you have any questions, just let me know– I am happy to answer them!

Complete 12 works of art.  2 down.  I have started an art journal and I think that will be a perfect way to develop a habit of drawing, painting, collaging, and otherwise creating.

Also, I wanted to go ahead and do a check in with Summer of Intentionality 2013.

Already experienced:  Go fishing. Canoe. Use the hammock. A lot.  Swim A lot (Happy swam at least 2x a day last week; we are well on our way!). Go to a splash pad.  Have a picnic.  Have breakfast for dinner. Go stand up paddling.  Read outside.

Do you have a birthday and/or Summer of Intentionality list?  What’s on it?

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