stopping the car

The cows, horses, and goats were missing.  Leaving the afternoon sun for a shadier pasture, I imagine.  And, yet, finally, I stopped anyway.  After outing my secret desire to capture this farm on film a couple weeks ago on the blog, this weekend, on my way home from facilitating a workshop at Triple Play Farm, I stopped the car in the midst of the blind curve where there really is no shoulder to park.  I put on my hazards.  I crossed the street. I rested my camera on the top of one of the wooden fence’s log posts.  And I snapped a few pictures to just make my heart happy.  To finally say I have done it.  To know that I paused even in the midst of someone waiting for me, somewhere to be, a list to complete.

And it was- despite the lack of cows, horses, and goats- just what I needed. An innocent, easy reminder that when life calls you, you should answer.  When something makes your heart leap or takes your breath or makes you take notice, you should pause.

What is calling you to stop your car, your breakneck pace, your focus?  What is beckoning to you?

Can you answer it, meet it, face it?

Can you do it, in some way, today?

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