Friday Reflections

Friday Reflections is all about reflecting on the week by observing our senses.  My hope is that this will be a gentle, easy way to tune into how we are doing and what we are experiencing weekly when journaling in general can feel so daunting.

Now, for this week’s Friday Reflections (with each sense as your inspiration, consider how experiencing it impacted your week).

Here is my sensory round-up for this week:     

tasting ::  Fried Pickles (somehow, I have lived in the South all of my life and never had this southern delicacy until now), white bean and pasta soup, homemade peppermint ice cream, lentil soup, tortellini, bean and tomato soup (it is a good week in my book when there can be this much soup had), citrus and avocado salad.

hearing ::  the crackling pop of a wood burning fire, the wise words of women writers ranging from their mid-20s to their late 70s at the Writing Your Life workshop I facilitated at Weathers Creek, women speaking their truth and dreams, high schoolers sharing their heart and hopes, thoughtful considerations about personal and institutional futures.

smelling ::  the burnt umber of a roaring fire, burnt broccoli (my bad!) and the Sicilian orange candle that then needed to be burnt, hay and horse breath

seeing ::  Toby the Tiger, the preschool class mascot, do everything that Happy did as he visited for the weekend (all of Happy’s current critters had a welcome parade from him, as you can see above), Easter eggs of every single variety

feeling ::  That really satisfied but tired sensation.  You know that feeling.  Where you are satisfied with what you have done but madly in need to refilling the proverbial well.

wishing/hoping :: for some really wonderful spring break time with meaningful moments as we visit my family, I hang with Happy, and enjoy a couple programs with the Circle de Luz hijas.

What about you?  What were your sensational experiences this week?  Please share!

This post was inspired by Teacher Goes Back to School who was inspired by Pink of Perfection’s Five Sense Friday.

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One response to “Friday Reflections”

  1. jen

    um, did you make homemade peppermint ice cream?

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