2 responses to “Giving Up Beauty: Another I-Mix”

  1. fightingwindmills

    While watching programming on Noggin, my children and I have seen Sweet Honey In The Rock sing a children’s song, “I like it that way”. They do so much to inspire self-confidence and their video is full of energetic children of many colors and hair textures. That was how I was introduced to their music. That song is on the album Experience 101.

  2. rosiemolinary

    I just love Sweet Honey and the Rock and even have one of their children’s albums (I Got Shoes!) but I haven’t hear “I like it that way.” One of their children’s songs that I love is 4 U 2 Know. I am going to go check out “I like it that way” right now.

    PS: Sweet Honey is touring this winter and spring. Check their schedule at http://www.sweethoney.com. They are unreal in concert.

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