Immigrant Women Needed for Research Study

Just received this call for participants & thought I would share.  Feel free to pass it along to others.  

Study:  Self-Starvation: Qualitative exploration of narratives amongst eating disordered immigrant women of color to the US  

This research study from Nova Southeastern University investigates the meanings of self-starvation amongst immigrant women and seeks participants who fit the following criterion:

Participant criteria?

You must be:

·        18+ years or older

·        English speaking immigrant woman living in the U.S

·        Participants must currently be or had been anorexic with a desire to restrict food intake

·        Onset of weight loss must have occurred one year prior to immigration or following immigration to U.S.

·        English-speaking U.S. first-generation immigrants qualify and may include those of Latina, Asian/Pacific Islander, and African American or other ethnicities

·        Willingness to participate in one or more audio recorded interviews in person or by telephone


Compensation will be provided

Time Commitment?

1-3 hours.

More Information?

Contact Principal Investigator, Lisa C. Palmer, M.S.                        


Phone:   954-907-3446

Address: Brief Therapy Institute, 3301 College Avenue, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33314

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