Idea Generation and Book Giveaway!

I am partnering with some great women to produce a blog and regular print column on women’s issues.  We are creating a list of topics that we want to discuss (the group is made up women in the media, theatre, non-profit sector, arts, and counseling field.  We represent a range of ages and back-grounds), and I would love to have your input on what we should be discussing.  What questions would you have for a group like this?  What topics would you want to hear discussed  (ie:  do women have a responsibility to support Hillary’s campaign, how do gossip mags affect the lives of everyday women, etc)?  Please share your ideas with me so that I can compile them for inspiration for the group.  All ideas will be considered for columns, and every person who submits an idea by Sunday, September 30 at noon will be entered into a drawing for one of four books:  a signed copy of Hijas Americanas, a signed copy of Waking Up American, a signed copy of The Anti 9 to 5 Guide, and a copy of Body Outlaws.   Help a sister out and leave your ideas in the comments section now!       

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